

 I feel the need to express my gratitude for a recent miracle. On Christmas Eve we had the unfortunate event happen of our furnace breaking. We woke up to a very cold home. It was an emotional, chilly and stressful day. A day that is usually filled with excitement and fun was replaced with lots of phone calls, research, and a gloom of an expensive purchase heading our way. Despite the reality of a broken furnace, we had the challenge of it also being Christmas Eve and there was no one who could install our furnace until the day after Christmas, 2 days away...  So would we stay in our cold home for 2 days just so we could have Christmas at home? If not, where would our family of 6 go? How would we spend Christmas? Well blessings came. We got a very honest and kind technician over and he tried for hours to get it working, but to no avail. He left and said he'd be back in 2-3 days to do the new furnace. We were so grateful for his efforts, but the house was still cold and the fur...

2024 Closes Out

 I had hoped to try and share my testimony today at church. However, my son got pink eye which is very contagious. So we needed to stay home. Nevertheless, I thought I’d share my testimony in blog form today.  It’s momentous to me that it’s December 1st. Wow. I thought 2023 was a hard year… I had a really really hard pregnancy and scary medical news with our daughter. It was tough. But 2024 has it beat by far. I experienced multiple traumatic things that will impact me for the rest of my life. Most people know about our house flood. But there was other stuff that I haven’t shared that also made this year hard. Not to mention applying to and starting nursing school. But I wanted to share my testimony that I really felt like God was here through it all. There were days I’d cry the second I woke up until the second I went to bed. Days where we had no place to go, no home, no safety and nobody knew. But God knew. He sent us saving graces. It wasn’t the way I wanted it. It came thr...

Nursing School - Am I Done?!

      Well hello!!!      As you can guess, nursing school has been keeping me busy while still being a full-time stay at home mom to 4 amazing kids all 6 years old or younger! It's a party! There is always something to do. But life is good and I am working hard to count my blessings! Today I found time to blog about school! Here is an excerpt of my life!     I had a tough experience last week with one of my tests. I didn't get the score I needed or wanted. I had so many reasons to validate that score and my husband was quick to agree and support me. But it tanked my confidence. Up until this point, I have been passing everything with flying colors. I have been putting in all the work and studying hard to understand these concepts. Nevertheless, I came up short on this exam.     The truth was that I questioned myself from one little test. I worried I was going to flunk out. I questioned if this was all a very bad idea. I thought, am I goi...

Patient Recovery

 Today I got to do something I’ve been wanting to do for a while.  … I was just reflecting on how grateful I am for my body. Having a baby really puts your body through some challenges. And my body was no different. Especially after having my fourth child and being in my thirties this time.  Recovery was challenging.  I remember with my first everybody saying, give it 12 weeks. After 12 weeks of having your baby, you’ll feel so much better. And that was just not the case for me. With any of my pregnancies. For me, it truly takes a year to feel back to “normal”…  Well, now I am two weeks out from that date and it still holds true. My little baby girl is going to be one! And this time around, I feel like I was the most patient with my mind and my body during this transition. It has been so beneficial. So I got to enjoy the benefits of patience and loving my body. Today I completed a mile swim! It was wonderful. No matter what stage you are in, I hope you will be p...


      A  couple of years ago I felt the need to go back to school eventually. I didn't know what I was going to study, where I was going to go, or what career it would lead me to. Yet, I felt the need to prepare myself physically and mentally. I pondered and fasted often about future schooling, but it didn't seem like it was time yet to make a decision.     Well just a few months ago, while  attending the temple, I felt drawn that it was time. It was surprising a little bit, even though I had had so many experiences telling me it would be soon. I just didn't think it would be that soon. So I asked the question, what am I going to school for? My mind said one thing and my heart said another. It narrowed it down to 2 options though, so that was good lol.     I went home and told my husband and he has just been the most supportive person in the world.      I called multiple schools, discussed multiple programs with them. I researc...

year of faith

      It wasn't a direct invitation, but it felt that way... The 1st counselor in my stake talked about how at church, the room fills from the back to the front. I then felt a personal invitation to sit closer to the front. This would be very hard for me. We've worked hard to set a habit of getting to church early. I am grateful for that. However, I always sit in the back lol. I have 4 kids who can be disruptive and would not want to draw any attention to us. So the back has been our spot lol.     I brought up this to the primary president, and she shared that it would be amazing. That she has done it with her family and that it has been good for their family.     So I did! And honestly it has been a few months now! Our kids know our new spot and it has made them more attentive to the speakers. Yes, we still have disruptions or diapers that need to be changed or kids that simply need to leave the chapel. However, 90% of the time, sitting near the front...


      I am so grateful to be alive. Starting with that because today and this week have been so wonderful. Things have  been going like planned. My babies are healthy. I am healthy. I've gotten a lot done and spend great quality time with my family, but also had a lot of good breaks and me time.      However, a couple of weeks ago I was having a very low day. It was Sunday and my littles were having a hard day. It was really hard to stay at church and be reverent and feel good. Let's spell it out a little bit  more. My husband serves in the bishopric in our ward so I sit with 4 kids under the age of 6 by myself and try to keep them quiet, listening and holding still. Yeah, hard to do.       This was a special Sunday with a lot of our leaders speaking so I really wanted to listen, but my 2 year old was mad at everything I did or his siblings did. He did not want to play or eat or draw or anything lol. So needless to say, I ...