year of faith

     It wasn't a direct invitation, but it felt that way... The 1st counselor in my stake talked about how at church, the room fills from the back to the front. I then felt a personal invitation to sit closer to the front. This would be very hard for me. We've worked hard to set a habit of getting to church early. I am grateful for that. However, I always sit in the back lol. I have 4 kids who can be disruptive and would not want to draw any attention to us. So the back has been our spot lol.

    I brought up this to the primary president, and she shared that it would be amazing. That she has done it with her family and that it has been good for their family.

    So I did! And honestly it has been a few months now! Our kids know our new spot and it has made them more attentive to the speakers. Yes, we still have disruptions or diapers that need to be changed or kids that simply need to leave the chapel. However, 90% of the time, sitting near the front has improved our sacrament worship and allowed us the blessing of trying our faith.

    What I felt was impossible, but still a direct invitation, has turned into a great blessing for me and my kids. I never knew what I was missing!

church house | Lds primary singing time, The church of jesus christ,  Singing time


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