Nursing School - Am I Done?!
Well hello!!!
As you can guess, nursing school has been keeping me busy while still being a full-time stay at home mom to 4 amazing kids all 6 years old or younger! It's a party! There is always something to do. But life is good and I am working hard to count my blessings! Today I found time to blog about school! Here is an excerpt of my life!
I had a tough experience last week with one of my tests. I didn't get the score I needed or wanted. I had so many reasons to validate that score and my husband was quick to agree and support me. But it tanked my confidence. Up until this point, I have been passing everything with flying colors. I have been putting in all the work and studying hard to understand these concepts. Nevertheless, I came up short on this exam.
The truth was that I questioned myself from one little test. I worried I was going to flunk out. I questioned if this was all a very bad idea. I thought, am I going to be done and drop out. FROM ONE TEST! I seriously spiraled so fast...
I confided in a nurse friend, my husband, and prayer to my Heavenly Father.
And then I picked up my prideful self who thought one bad score meant I couldn't do it... I gave up the excuses for why I got a bad score too. Those weren't helpful. I actually went back to studying how I use to in high school, with good old fashioned flashcards. I spent a good while just creating them despite having taken extensive notes online and done online flashcards. I knew I succeed with this method in high school and college and wanted to try it again. But it was a lot of work.
Then I studied during everything I did... Usually I study everyday for 5 hours. Then I put it away and do family/wife/mom things. But I didn't this time. I knew I needed to put in more work with this material. So I studied while folding laundry, while I was doing the dishes, even when I was getting ready for the day... I found time all over my day!
To me the point was that I finally just put in more work. I also let the pride go of being perfect. The best nurses I know actually aren't perfect, but they are the ones that are still learning and still desiring to be better every day, every shift, with every patient.
I loved putting in that work, feeling extra support from my family, and going back to the basics of how I learn and understand the best. I did so much better on my next 3 exams and finished with my best grade yet! And to think, I almost thought that this class was going to be the end for me!!
Keep going friends. Use your village and use your God! Don't be afraid to go back to the basics. Be humble and know that we all need to keep learning and growing!
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