
     I am so grateful to be alive. Starting with that because today and this week have been so wonderful. Things have been going like planned. My babies are healthy. I am healthy. I've gotten a lot done and spend great quality time with my family, but also had a lot of good breaks and me time. 

    However, a couple of weeks ago I was having a very low day. It was Sunday and my littles were having a hard day. It was really hard to stay at church and be reverent and feel good. Let's spell it out a little bit more. My husband serves in the bishopric in our ward so I sit with 4 kids under the age of 6 by myself and try to keep them quiet, listening and holding still. Yeah, hard to do. 

    This was a special Sunday with a lot of our leaders speaking so I really wanted to listen, but my 2 year old was mad at everything I did or his siblings did. He did not want to play or eat or draw or anything lol. So needless to say, I didn't get to enjoy the first meeting. But the bright side is that the next meeting I was going to get to go to class with just my baby because all my kids older than 2 would go to class. AND I wouldn't need to do my regular teaching because those special leaders were going to do it. YAY!!! 

    Well guess what... This same 2 year old refuses to go to his class. Like completely refuses, which hasn't happened in over a year. He LOVES his teachers and the toys, etc. So long story long, I got stuck in the hallway with him when it was suppose to be the one Sunday I could sit and listen to my leaders.... Bummed.

    I texted my husband to see if he could come help me because I really really wanted to be in the meeting, but I found out a couple hours later, the text to him never ended up sending. 

    So there I was just being sad and my sweet angel friend Amanda sees me. She is so comforting and understanding. She offers to take my 2 year old or take the baby. She is the sweetest. I decline because he's attached to me and I'll just deal until church is over. She gives me a hug and tells me I'm doing a good job. And I remember brushing it off and trying not to cry in front of her. So she persists in telling me that I am doing good and am a good mom. Gahhh... I tear up just thinking about how encouraging she was to me. She went back to class and I just haven't forgotten that.

    Later that night she came over with her husband and pup and dropped us off cookies! They were delicious and I ate most of them lol.

    Then a week later to my surprise, she came over with her husband and watched our kids so that Malachi and I could have a much needed date night to the movies!!  

    All of this to say that there are still angels. Amanda has been an angel to me and my kids multiple times. I am grateful to her and many others in my friend circles, ward family and neighborhood. 

            There are angels!! 

            May we know them, may we be them! 

        I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up” (Doctrine and Covenants 84:88)


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