Stronger Families
This past August, I was looking for a way to better our family. I felt like we were surviving, but not really thriving in our day to day interactions. I was personally looking for some sort of class that Malachi and I could take to better our parenting and thus better our family. I looked for a few weeks. I scoured the internet. I even started a free online class and had restarted reading more parenting books. But wasn’t satisfied. I ended up finding a course called The Stronger Families Project at Utah Valley University. It was completely free but you had to apply and if you got in, then classes would be once a week. I was super hopeful and applied. Man, I’m grateful I did! This class taught me so much. It was every Tuesday night for an hour and a half, and was worth my time! I’m sure there are things that could’ve made it better, but I’m really grateful for it! My biggest takeaways are having one on one time with the kids every single day. Every single kid should get at le...