
Showing posts from November, 2022

Stronger Families

This past August, I was looking for a way to better our family. I felt like we were surviving, but not really thriving in our day to day interactions. I was personally looking for some sort of class that Malachi and I could take to better our parenting and thus better our family.  I looked for a few weeks. I scoured the internet. I even started a free online class and had restarted reading more parenting books. But wasn’t satisfied.  I ended up finding a course called The Stronger Families Project at Utah Valley University. It was completely free but you had to apply and if you got in, then classes would be once a week. I was super hopeful and applied. Man, I’m grateful I did! This class taught me so much. It was every Tuesday night for an hour and a half, and was worth my time! I’m sure there are things that could’ve made it better, but I’m really grateful for it! My biggest takeaways are having one on one time with the kids every single day. Every single kid should get at le...

100 Things I am Grateful For

      I was reminded of when I was in high school and one of my seminary teachers challenged the students to create a list of 100 things they are grateful for. I don't know if I actually did it though. I feel like I probably did, but cheated by just putting peoples names near the end lol. So I am out for redemption. This will entirely be a list of 100 things that I am grateful for. my flexible job Malachi's amazing job my testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints my sweet daughter the fact that I am blessed to raise a daughter and sons my shy and rambunctious boy my baby who grew up so fast my mom dream car my super fuzzy and warm robe Malachis dream truck awesome boots preloved store lol hand-me-downs cousins a fantastic ward that my maternal grandmother is still alive my super fun in-laws family traditions the chance I had to serve a mission my home ward in Sandy my high school friends who were such a good influence in my life my new friends...

Leave it Behind

 Today I had a great experience at yoga that I wanted to share.  At the end of every yoga session, our instructor has us lay on our side with our knees tucked a little and our arm/elbow supporting our head. We close our eyes and recover. She asked us to think of those things that were stressing us, or harming us, or shaming us. She asked us to leave it all on the floor right there and rise up above it when we were ready. I had something very particular come to mind. So I really took the opportunity to bring it to the forefront of my mind, and then offer myself grace and forgiveness.  I’ve been to yoga for over a month now, and this was my first time to take the mental health challenge she offers every time. Usually I’d just listen and think, man that’s awesome haha. But I wouldn’t internalize it.  Grateful that I did this time. I really did stand up and breathe and let that particular thing go. I felt relief. I felt like I could focus my mind better. I feel stronger....


Have you ever been told that the key to a good, strong and lasting marriage is communication? Well if not, you're hearing it now. Todays topic will be short and brief.  I just wanted to add my two cents to this topic. All I have to offer is 7 years of marriage experience so take that for what it's worth to you. But just the other day my sweet Malachi was helping me with a goal I set for myself. That goal was to not speak negatively about anyone. He overheard a conversation I was having with a friend and frankly stopped me in my steps and told me I wasn't speaking kindly like I said I wanted to. I was super taken back, offended and defended myself. I walked away after I felt I justified myself, but couldn't get myself to feel any better about the situation. I wanted to be mad at him and blame him for all of it. But after a bit, I said a prayer and felt my heart melt. I knew he was right, but didn't want to admit it.  Eventually, lol, I went back to him and shared how...

If it’s not one thing, it’s another!

I have recently learned this and it’s helped me a lot day to day. Guys. Nothing will ever be perfect. I don’t know if you or I will ever have a “perfect” day or week. Things are hard. So we can’t keep waiting for a perfect day. If you think you have had a “perfect” day in the past, I almost guarantee that it was just so awesome and great that your memory has it a little skewed. Not to be negative, I just mean that if we focus on the good it can be a great day, but I doubt it was perfect. So using that perspective, today doesn’t need to be perfect to be good or even great! It can be such a fun day even if our back hurts a little, we forgot to pack a lunch, the traffic is crazy, the child is teething, etc. Because guess what, tomorrow it’ll be something else. So if it’s not one thing, it’s the other. Thus, just enjoy the day! Don’t focus on the bad, because there will always be something that doesn’t go as you’d hope. But if we focus on the good, we can be happy EVERY day! We don’t ...