If it’s not one thing, it’s another!
I have recently learned this and it’s helped me a lot day to day.
Guys. Nothing will ever be perfect. I don’t know if you or I will ever have a “perfect” day or week. Things are hard. So we can’t keep waiting for a perfect day.
If you think you have had a “perfect” day in the past, I almost guarantee that it was just so awesome and great that your memory has it a little skewed. Not to be negative, I just mean that if we focus on the good it can be a great day, but I doubt it was perfect.
So using that perspective, today doesn’t need to be perfect to be good or even great! It can be such a fun day even if our back hurts a little, we forgot to pack a lunch, the traffic is crazy, the child is teething, etc. Because guess what, tomorrow it’ll be something else.
So if it’s not one thing, it’s the other.
Thus, just enjoy the day! Don’t focus on the bad, because there will always be something that doesn’t go as you’d hope. But if we focus on the good, we can be happy EVERY day! We don’t have to wait for the future. EVERY day has good!
Yes everyday has bad too. So what will you choose to focus on today?
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