Have you ever been told that the key to a good, strong and lasting marriage is communication? Well if not, you're hearing it now.
Todays topic will be short and brief.
I just wanted to add my two cents to this topic. All I have to offer is 7 years of marriage experience so take that for what it's worth to you.
But just the other day my sweet Malachi was helping me with a goal I set for myself. That goal was to not speak negatively about anyone. He overheard a conversation I was having with a friend and frankly stopped me in my steps and told me I wasn't speaking kindly like I said I wanted to. I was super taken back, offended and defended myself.
I walked away after I felt I justified myself, but couldn't get myself to feel any better about the situation. I wanted to be mad at him and blame him for all of it.
But after a bit, I said a prayer and felt my heart melt.
I knew he was right, but didn't want to admit it.
Eventually, lol, I went back to him and shared how I knew he was right, but that I didn't appreciate the delivery. I'd rather him mention my goal and help me be better, but maybe not interrupt my conversation and shame me. He was understanding and we agreed to each others requests.
Ultimately, what I am hoping to portray is that communication is important for lots of reasons and in lots of ways.
It was important that I told him my goal in the first place. I knew he'd be able to help me the most because I am with him the most. I wanted his help. It's vulnerable, but it's needed for a relationship to grow and for us to grow individually.
It was important that he spoke up to help me, otherwise why listen to my goals if not to help. He had to say something.
And it was important that when our communication skills weren't the best, that we came together, talked it out some more, made plans to improve and forgave.
We never want to think we're perfect. We need to talk things out. Sometimes it just takes one time and sometimes it will take more times.
So share!! Share the good, the bad, the hopes, the needs, the help, the correction, the hurt. Share it all!
AND do your best to share it all with love!
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