100 Things I am Grateful For
I was reminded of when I was in high school and one of my seminary teachers challenged the students to create a list of 100 things they are grateful for. I don't know if I actually did it though. I feel like I probably did, but cheated by just putting peoples names near the end lol. So I am out for redemption. This will entirely be a list of 100 things that I am grateful for.
- my flexible job
- Malachi's amazing job
- my testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- my sweet daughter
- the fact that I am blessed to raise a daughter and sons
- my shy and rambunctious boy
- my baby who grew up so fast
- my mom dream car
- my super fuzzy and warm robe
- Malachis dream truck
- awesome boots
- preloved store lol
- hand-me-downs
- cousins
- a fantastic ward
- that my maternal grandmother is still alive
- my super fun in-laws
- family traditions
- the chance I had to serve a mission
- my home ward in Sandy
- my high school friends who were such a good influence in my life
- my new friends who inspire me and teach me
- coworkers who help me have so much fun at work
- triathlons
- the temple
- my road bike
- the fact that I can hear in my right ear 🙏
- our spacious home
- the rental property that we loved
- sunshine
- the gym and the classes there
- Marco polo
- the side hustle Malachi's aunt let me do to earn extra money
- our awesome bed we found after searching for so long
- the winter coats my whole family has to keep us warm
- provo ice rink
- contacts and glasses or I'd be very blind
- this laptop
- my comfy chair I got for $10
- the blessing of reproducing offspring within my own body
- my phone camera
- instagram for holding all of my children's photos
- Walgreens for turning those photos into memory books
- nap time - toddler moms know this kind of gratitude 😂
- Costco and buying bulk needed items
- Walmart for being very affordable despite shrinkflation
- our body's ability to heal
- the dentist, even though I have trust issues with them
- orthodontists, because my teeth were scary before braces
- volleyball
- basketball
- baby monitors
- scriptures - wow, can't believe it took me to 53 before I said that!
- my marriage to Malachi
- just having Malachi as my spouse and partner
- another day to live with my family and loved ones
- temple workers
- seminary teachers
- social get togethers; COVID really made me grateful for these
- my Tongan heritage
- my Irish heritage
- my Husbands Tongan, Maori, Irish and German heritage
- my patriarchal blessing - really helped me solidify my testimony in my youth
- my past and current church leaders
- teeth whitening 😅
- hospitals
- an awesome OBGYN doc
- my son who was so easy to potty train
- vaccines... don't come for me...
- airplanes and cars in general to make traveling possible
- cancer treatments and veganism that has helped my mom live
- my daughters love of drawing
- the sabbath
- the seasons and how they offer different scenery
- the kindness and generosity of others
- the holiday season that help us reflect instead of just running around
- the Fourth of July though which is thee best holiday
- the ability I had to breastfeed
- BabyWise book
- BYU and the education it gave me
- the Savior and His Atonement - double yikes that this didn't make the list sooner, but He's here
- warm socks because my feet are always freezing
- the ability to fast
- the ability to fast voluntarily because I always have food
- my body that is mostly healthy and able
- my spirit that is divine and has a purpose
- the blessing to know what my purpose is in life
- the UVU stronger family's project Malachi and I got to participate in this year
- my ability to read
- the future and how it's full of hope despite it's inevitable challenges
- my hopes and dreams and to have something to work toward
- an eternal family that is sealed forever
- personal revelation and knowing how God speaks to me
- wholesome tv shows and movies
- sleeping - post 3 newborns and my gratitude only grows here
- my ability to change because of Christ aka repentance
- the fact that I was baptized by my Grandpa Roy
- peace and quiet
- having a priesthood holder in my home
- a working heater
I love how somethings came so easily and quickly to me and then how others took some pondering. That truly made me more curious about what is around me and how it's all thanks to a loving God. What a cool time of year to encourage me to do this, but this should be a monthly thing!
I hope that you will make your own list! 100 things! And share it with me!!
Happy Thanksgiving Friends!
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