Kids Interests
So I was listening to this podcast over a year ago. It’s with Shawn Johnson and Andrew East about The Fatherless Epidemic. Here is the link to it…
Well I just loved it! I highly recommend a quick listen of it. I’ll only mention one thing that impacted me recently!
Alec Lace is the author and was the guest on the podcast talking about fatherhood. One thing he talked about was getting involved in what your kids like to do. He explained how with one of his kids it was easy. It was all the sports he personally loved and so he could easily join, coach, support and participate with his child. However, another child was really into chess. So he said he just started learning about it. That’s what good parents do. You get interested in what your kids get interested in.
Super cool right.
Well my kids are all still under the age of 5 and so they don’t really have individual interests yet…
Fast forward to just a year and some months later…
And my kids do have some specific interests that are of their own fruition!
And I remembered this advice!
And I gotta say, it has blessed my life and my relationship with my kids so much.
My oldest son has fallen in love with Chess and Card Games! I have spent hours playing chess, making puzzles and playing card games like Old Maid and Go Fish lol. Hours guys!
At times I’d feel guilty for not getting more chores done, or bummed I didn’t get to just be lazy, or stressed that I wasn’t being productive… blah blah blah… But after seeing the joy it brought to my kids and to me, it’s way better than any of that! The laundry can wait. The dishes will still be there. The book can wait til later. These babies and their desire to try to beat me (wink) at any game, that is my favorite thing to foster.
So let’s be that type of parent for our kids. Let’s care about what they care about! I’ve never played a game of chess in my life before my son. He is 4 and absolutely loves the game! He is amazing to watch and I’d always encourage him to play with my husband or my daughter, but never with me. Until nobody could play and so I felt obligated. Now I look forward to it so much! We try and fit one game in before school and a couple after, but definitely a lot on Saturdays! I never would’ve seen this. The kid also lovesss soccer and so although my husband and I never really played, we coached a season. Granted it was for 4-5 year olds haha. But do you see what I mean?
I believe the reason it is so needed is that it builds a foundation for the child in ways words can’t. By showing up and trying to learn and participate in something that isn’t in your wheelhouse, it will show your child that you’d do anything for them. You’re up for whatever and you’re interested because they’re interested. I think just the words of “I’ll always be there for you” might not hit as much.
I know that that is the same about God. God cares about the things we care about. Does it really matter if the food tastes good that we’re cooking? Does it really matter if we hit our goal of lifting weights? Or any other funny goal or desire we have… maybe not… but guess what?! If we take the time to pray about it with God, He is going to care about it too!
And when his desires change, which they probably will, I’m ready to learn right along side him. I’m ready to be my kids second hand. I’m ready to cheer on the baseline, but also get into the details and participate. Even if it’s about legos or hunting or dare I say, dating lol.
It’s such a blessing to see someone grow up. To help raise them into the person God wants. And if I can help my kids have a strong foundation that “mom supports me in what I do so I can try anything” then I know we’ll make it through whatever life throws at us! They’ll know because they’ve seen their mom care so much about them that it doesn’t matter whether she likes it or not, she’s there. Physically there.
Let’s guide and help our kids! And let’s dive into their passions and their desires! Let’s feed their flame!! 🔥
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