Never a guarantee

 My sweet Tiana is about to turn 6! I can hardly believe it. She’s been a light in my life since the moment she was born. I prayed for her with all my energy and she’s more than I could ever imagine. 

As her birthday approaches my heart aches. Not for the little baby or the toddler, but for the future. I want nothing more than to watch her continue to grow. I want to see it all. I am so grateful to be here for this amazing day. But the ache is real for the hope I have to watch her continue to grow.

I know I am not guaranteed a single moment on this earth. I don’t know when God will call me home. I have a constant prayer in my heart that I’ll be able to watch all my kids grow up. I want to see them get married. I want so badly to be here to help them with their kids. But I have very little control over that.

So today, while I contemplate the amazing privilege and blessing it’s been to be here for 6 years of Tiana’s life, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. To be a mother in general is overwhelming. But to be her mother, I am honored. 

Tiana is goodness. She is love and kindness. She is intelligence and bravery. She is skillful and adventurous. She is goofy and cuddly and caring. She is mindful of others and service oriented. She is the reason I decided to forgo a career and be home. She was the start to my love of motherhood. 

I pray our bond will never fade.

I love you Tiana! Happy 6th Birthday!


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