I had a goal to take a self-defense class before I turned 30. Well I was able to find one near me and my amazing cousin Mariah accompanied me. I was super intimidated by the idea when the day came for the class, but since Mariah was coming, I couldn't back out.
We show up to the class and I am so nervous lol. Thankfully, it got a lot better!
First off, they taught us the importance of breathing during a panic situation because most people will stop breathing and lose brain clarity in the process. They had us do these grunts or yells so we could get comfortable using our voice. This was so awkward at first, but I learned to turn off those negative thoughts in my head and remember why I was there.
One of the gentleman teaching the class came and gave us some statistics. I think he could tell we were being a little light-hearted with the teachings. He said that the FBI stated the average altercation lasts 2.5 seconds. So if you panic, by the time you stop, it's already over and you're probably taken or dead. That was a wake up call.
I was much more focused after that and did my yells loud. They were kind to cheer us on. I was able to do my punches so hard that the guy holding the punching bag was falling over. I gained some major confidence lol. And then we did the mountain position, which is when your attacker is sitting on top of you. They gave us the information on how to defend ourselves and then how to get out of the situation. I was doing it well and trying hard. But then they said, pretend like someone has your kid... Oh heck no haha. I went full momma-bear and made poor Mariah fly all over the place while she was sitting on top of me, because it felt more real.
I really loved the techniques and tips. I love how important it is to breathe and use our voice, so simple, but most people will freeze and go quiet.
Ultimately, I really appreciated this experience. I learned important skills about real life situations and it helped me change my attitude to a real, all in, put forth real effort, kind of attitude. I highly recommend a self-defense class to anyone!
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