No TV Lessons
I’m just reflecting on the past week and the things I’ve learned stepping away from tv and social media.
I definitely get bored a lot unless I have planned what to do in my downtime. And thus having a plan helps me a lot to use my time wisely.
It’s easy to fall back into tv/sm habits if I’m going through the motions. So using my phone more deliberately helps make the automatic habits less common. And trying to find a new routine so I don’t go straight to the remote during nap time haha.
I feel more peaceful and less anxious when I eliminate tv and sm.
I do miss tv a little but don’t miss sm. I especially miss tv when I’m folding a lot of laundry haha.
I feel more virtuous in my thoughts and actions as I feel less in the world and more physically and mentally apart of my personal day to day life.
I feel strong because I’m following the counsel of President Hinkley when he asked women and mothers to write more. I’ve spent a lot of my time journaling since I have more time. I feel like it’s clearing my brain.
I feel more in-tune to promptings and more confident in my actions.
Overall I feel less distracted with a better ability to focus.
I feel my will power is stronger. The first day when I got so bored because my habits always had me rely on sm/tv for entertainment, I was like, why am I doing this again? And honestly almost gave up. Thankfully my husband was doing it with me so I couldn’t just give up. And now I can honestly say it has grown my mind and will power. I really feel capable of a lot because I’ve chosen this without being forced.
I feel more patient with my kids because I’m not as busy. I’m not rushing because I’m not filling my day with useless entertainment.
I feel grateful that I am able to do this, that I have a mind and a body that is capable of this!
I am also grateful my kids see me doing more reading, writing, meditating, resting and less nonsense.
I did this in part to prepare me for next year. I was thinking I’d set a big hairy audacious goal of eliminating all tv from my life for 6 months. Nearing the end of this 12 days experience, I realize I can make this better.
The current plan, unless changed by Diety, will be to only watch tv and get on sm one day a week. I’m thinking Wednesday’s since that’s the day Malachi is gone all day. But not completely sure. I’ll still watch family movies and sports on the weekends if we’re watching as a family.
Then hopefully I can keep adding to this list!
What are you new year goals for 2023?! Remember if they don’t make you uncomfortable, then you probably won’t grow from them.
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