So in an effort to make sure we were still progressing and growing, Malachi asked me, "If you could pick any BIG, HAIRY, AUDACIOUS goal, what would you pick?" It didn't take me long to answer... "An Olympic Triathlon." And then boom, he was all over it lol. He was so supportive and we talked about how I would do Sprint Triathlons to help me get to that point. The furthest I had swam at that point in my life was only 350 meters and I was so proud of that. Needless to say, the swim would be the biggest hurdle to accomplishing this because the swim for an Olympic is 1500 meters.
That night we paid for 3 racing events! One in February, another in May, and the last one in August, we would do that one together. And then in October I would do the Olympic.
I know I have talked about this before in my blog, but the impact of that night really did last an entire year. Prayerfully setting goals with your spouse is power! Obviously it took so much hard-work for this goal to actually happen and not just planning. But that's where it started!
Well I accomplished that big, hairy, audacious goal! I competed in the Southern Utah Olympic Triathlon on October 22, 2022. My hope was to finish in under 4 hours and I finished in 3 hours and 55 minutes! I got a new personal best on the swim and finished 750 meters in 20 minutes. And the second 750 in 21 minutes. That is still slow, for all you swimmers out there judging me haha. But for me, that is very fast. At the beginning of the year it would take me 55 minutes to do 750 meters. The bike route was challenging because of the hill grades at over 12%. But I got it done! And I have never run more than 4 miles and I ran 6 miles at the end of it all!
What adrenaline! I am so grateful for this experience!
During the bike I asked Heavenly Father in my mind, "with this experience that I will get to share, what would you have me share?" And the scripture, "when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren" came into my mind. I believe that is because I am being tasked with the privilege of helping other people make big, hairy, audacious goals and accomplish them. I have tried to lead by example and now that I feel strong, I want to help others feel strong. I'd really love to help people try triathlons, but I'm up for anything. It is such a blessing to do something I love and share it with other people, and that includes just exercise in general.
So I just want to share a few things I have learned while training and competing this past year.
*Set goals with prayer and with your spouse/loved ones because then it'll be what God also wants for you. And God can make more out of our lives than we ever can without Him.
*Athletic goals are greatly enhanced when you sign up for a race/event.
*Find someone to join you in your goals for accountability and encouragement.
*Special workout clothes really do help you want to exercise.
*If you don't like working out everyday, I don't think you have found something you actually love yet. Because once you find something you love, it can still be hard to workout, but you know you'll love it once you start and you will feel so much better once you're done.
*Have an off-season. To avoid burn out, switch it up. I'm grateful triathlons are really only for the summer here in Utah. Now I can stop biking, swimming and running every week. Now I can do Zumba, Yoga, and maybe a little bit of swimming since I do enjoy it so much lol. But don't burn yourself out by doing the same thing every single day. Set some goals and then switch it up. Growth comes with being uncomfortable. And what makes you most uncomfortable?... Probably trying something brand new like Barre, or HIIT classes or weight lifting or or or or...
*Pay the money. Don't make the "cost" of the road bike, gym pass, weight equipment, be your stumbling block. We are a one-income family. My husband has one job and we use that income to pay for everything. So I get it, funds are tight. But that just means you need to think outside of the box. Maybe you don't need the top of the line road bike, mine was $100. Maybe you help clean the gym so you get your pass for free. Maybe you see if you can get on someone else's family gym pass and pay for your part. Or you borrow your neighbors equipment, etc. Things are expensive, I get it. But don't let that stop you. Find a way!
*Don't hurt yourself. My life changed when an aunt of mine told me that she wished she never did a marathon because her knees have never been the same since. Wow. I realized that we can push our bodies so far that we hurt them, all for the sake of a race... That is not what I am endorsing. You'll never guess how many people have asked me when I will do a Half Ironman now, because that's the next biggest race for Triathletes... Sometimes what we have to give isn't enough for other people. That's another topic for another day. But I know that running those 6 miles was hard on my body. I will not do further distances just to appease others or because I think I have to. I am proud of what I have done and I will always do what feels good for my body.
*Exercise doesn't mean anything if we are feeding ourselves crap. Exercise definitely helps me eat better, but we can't expect our bodies to perform and do hard things if we don't give it the right fuel. It's not complicated. Eat fruits, vegetables and lean meat. Idk, I'm not the healthiest. But if your food goes bad quickly then it's good. If your food goes bad slowly, then it's bad haha. I know it isn't completely 100% true haha, but I like it.
*It's okay to have off days. Not everyday you will love it. Not everyday you will get a new PR. Not everyday you will get done and feel better. And sometimes you won't even complete the full workout. Shhhh, sometimes you won't even do the workout at all... It happens. But in the words of the wise James Clear... "Never miss twice." Meaning, have an off day, miss a workout, whatever. But don't let it happen two days in a row. Read his book, Atomic Habits for more golden nuggets like that!
*Surround yourself with things that will help you accomplish your goals. This is important in more than just exercise. But one small example is how I watched the CrossFit games the week leading up to my race because I knew watching those athletes would totally pump me up haha.
*Always put God first. A couple weeks before the race I had to decide between going to the pool to swim or going to the temple. I chose the temple and felt like I'd be hurt a little in my swim because of that. But nope. Blessed beyond measure and got a new PR. Put God first and you won't regret it!
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