Quick story…
I was making a large batch of cafe rio salad dressing. It’s heaven and I like to have it for my daily lunch salad. Well I decided to do 2 batches since we had company in town. This required me to cut up and shred 6 jalapeños. I use a cheese grater for this process.
All went well and the salad dressing was in the fridge. And then a few hours later, probably around 5pm, I felt my thumb was stinging. I thought maybe I cut it using the cheese grater unknowingly. So I washed my hands and did some lotion and antibiotic ointment, but the stinging continued.
Another few hours passed and the stinging had turned into burning. So I told my husband and we figured out it was actually probably a burn from the jalapeño oil.
We googled it and tried all the remedies. We did icing it, washing again with soap, coconut oil, vegetable oil, olive oil, more soap, baking soda, flour, more oil and more soap. No relief. It was well into the evening now, my husband couldn’t help but fall asleep and I was wide awake in pain.
I remembered my son getting a burn when he was 18 months old and how cooling his entire body down helped him get relief. So I went into my backyard where it was around 40 degrees outside, and I finally got relief. My thumb wasn’t hurting at all! So I stayed out there until I was super tired and then went to the bed.
Once I got in bed and got warm, the pain came back immediately and was twice as painful now. I cried and prayed and cried and prayed but no relief.
So I decided to get an ice pack and wrap it around my thumb.
That cooled the pain long enough for me to fall asleep. But once the ice pack got warm, I’d wake up in pain.
I did this twice and now it was the middle of the night.
I cried and moaned in pain.
I said one more prayer for help.
And then I got the impression to go put toothpaste all over my thumb.
Rushing to the bathroom, I squeezed a ton of toothpaste out in the darkness, all over my thumb, wrapped it in a rag so it wouldn’t get all over the bed, and went and laid back down.
To my amazement, I had relief. I would’ve cried more but I was too tired.
I fell fast asleep.
I woke up and went to the bathroom where I saw toothpaste on my face lol. And that reminded me of the evening I had had and the miracle I was able to enjoy.
God hears our prayers people. Don’t give up! He will help us in His timing. He makes us stronger and He uses our struggles to show His power.
Sometimes it will take us exhausting every possibility before His answer comes, so that we know He really is all powerful and can do anything!!
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