I am so grateful to be alive. Starting with that because today and this week have been so wonderful. Things have been going like planned. My babies are healthy. I am healthy. I've gotten a lot done and spend great quality time with my family, but also had a lot of good breaks and me time. However, a couple of weeks ago I was having a very low day. It was Sunday and my littles were having a hard day. It was really hard to stay at church and be reverent and feel good. Let's spell it out a little bit more. My husband serves in the bishopric in our ward so I sit with 4 kids under the age of 6 by myself and try to keep them quiet, listening and holding still. Yeah, hard to do. This was a special Sunday with a lot of our leaders speaking so I really wanted to listen, but my 2 year old was mad at everything I did or his siblings did. He did not want to play or eat or draw or anything lol. So needless to say, I ...