
Showing posts from February, 2023


      I had a goal to take a self-defense class before I turned 30. Well I was able to find one near me and my amazing cousin Mariah accompanied me. I was super intimidated by the idea when the day came for the class, but since Mariah was coming, I couldn't back out.     We show up to the class and I am so nervous lol. Thankfully, it got a lot better!     First off, they taught us the importance of breathing during a panic situation because most people will stop breathing and lose brain clarity in the process. They had us do these grunts or yells so we could get comfortable using our voice. This was so awkward at first, but I learned to turn off those negative thoughts in my head and remember why I was there.     One of the gentleman teaching the class came and gave us some statistics. I think he could tell we were being a little light-hearted with the teachings. He said that the FBI stated the average altercation lasts 2.5 seconds....