
Showing posts from December, 2022

No TV Lessons

I’m just reflecting on the past week and the things I’ve learned stepping away from tv and social media. I definitely get bored a lot unless I have planned what to do in my downtime. And thus having a plan helps me a lot to use my time wisely.  It’s easy to fall back into tv/sm habits if I’m going through the motions. So using my phone more deliberately helps make the automatic habits less common. And trying to find a new routine so I don’t go straight to the remote during nap time haha. I feel more peaceful and less anxious when I eliminate tv and sm. I do miss tv a little but don’t miss sm. I especially miss tv when I’m folding a lot of laundry haha. I feel more virtuous in my thoughts and actions as I feel less in the world and more physically and mentally apart of my personal day to day life. I feel strong because I’m following the counsel of President Hinkley when he asked women and mothers to write more. I’ve spent a lot of my time journaling since I have more time. I feel li...

12 Days of Christmas

 Today marks 12 days until Christmas!! I wanted to give a gift to Christ this year with the 12 days idea. I haven’t done this before, but felt like I had the perfect gift for everyone in my family except for Christ. So starting today and for the next 12 days, I’ll stop watching tv, going onto social media, and eating sugar. The trifecta haha. Those first 2 things distract me on the daily. And the last is something I’ve felt prompted to do for a long time, but typical give in when the going gets tough.  My sweet husband is joining me with the sugar part and I’m glad because it’s so much easier to stay away from sugar if someone doesn’t want any either. Our kids will have their sugar reduced just by osmosis, but they can still enjoy their treats sparingly lol.  Anyway, just wanted to share because our Savior deserves something more from us. He gave his all.  Once we really get to know him, we realize that he wants to make more of us. A God that doesn’t ask anything of ...