
Showing posts from December, 2024


 I feel the need to express my gratitude for a recent miracle. On Christmas Eve we had the unfortunate event happen of our furnace breaking. We woke up to a very cold home. It was an emotional, chilly and stressful day. A day that is usually filled with excitement and fun was replaced with lots of phone calls, research, and a gloom of an expensive purchase heading our way. Despite the reality of a broken furnace, we had the challenge of it also being Christmas Eve and there was no one who could install our furnace until the day after Christmas, 2 days away...  So would we stay in our cold home for 2 days just so we could have Christmas at home? If not, where would our family of 6 go? How would we spend Christmas? Well blessings came. We got a very honest and kind technician over and he tried for hours to get it working, but to no avail. He left and said he'd be back in 2-3 days to do the new furnace. We were so grateful for his efforts, but the house was still cold and the fur...

2024 Closes Out

 I had hoped to try and share my testimony today at church. However, my son got pink eye which is very contagious. So we needed to stay home. Nevertheless, I thought I’d share my testimony in blog form today.  It’s momentous to me that it’s December 1st. Wow. I thought 2023 was a hard year… I had a really really hard pregnancy and scary medical news with our daughter. It was tough. But 2024 has it beat by far. I experienced multiple traumatic things that will impact me for the rest of my life. Most people know about our house flood. But there was other stuff that I haven’t shared that also made this year hard. Not to mention applying to and starting nursing school. But I wanted to share my testimony that I really felt like God was here through it all. There were days I’d cry the second I woke up until the second I went to bed. Days where we had no place to go, no home, no safety and nobody knew. But God knew. He sent us saving graces. It wasn’t the way I wanted it. It came thr...